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Commodore | John Mcbride

The Commodore shall be the chief executive officer of the club and shall preside at all meetings of the members and the Directors. The Commodore shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall be responsible for the general management of the business of the Club and shall see that all orders and decisions of the Board of Directors are carried into effect. The Commodore shall appoint the Chairmen of all permanent and temporary committees with the approval of the Board of Directors except as established otherwise by the Bylaws.

Purser | Jeff Green

The Purser (treasurer) shall have custody of all financial records, shall be responsible for the collection of all initiation fees and dues, shall maintain complete and accurate records of all owners of equity units and of the proceeds from the sale of said units, and shall handle all matters pertaining to the financial operation of the Club. The Purser shall also be responsible for opening and maintaining any and all bank accounts, and for the payment of bills. Every Club financial account shall permit withdrawals only on the signature of two of the following officers: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Purser, or Scribe except a checking account that requires only one of the above signatures. Transfers to this account from other ABYC accounts may be made quarterly or more frequently at the Board's discretion.

Vice Commodore | Jarek Nowak

The Vice Commodore shall act in the capacity of the Commodore when the Commodore is absent and shall accede to that office if it should become vacant. The Vice Commodore shall be the Chairman of the Fleet Committee.

Scribe | Lisa Parker

The Scribe (secretary) shall have custody of all Club records except Financial Records and shall handle correspondence, including responsibility for the monthly newsletter, keep a record of the minutes of all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, and shall transcribe these minutes into permanent record books.

Rear Commodore | 
     Doug Fischer
Senior Board Member | 
       Rick Myhre

The Rear Commodore shall be the Chairman of the Clubhouse and Grounds Committee and shall be responsible for the acquisition, inventory, and maintenance of Club property.

The Senior Board Member shall be the Chairman of the Program and Activity Committee.

Past Commodore | Michael Getman
Junior Board Member |
                 Tyler leben

The Past Commodore shall be the Chairman of the Membership Committee.

The Junior Board Member shall be the Chairman of the Social Committee.

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